IMPETUX is a company based in Barcelona specializing in the development of advanced microscopy systems integrating optical tweezers technology. Our technology is designed for precise manipulation and measurement of forces in biological and soft matter systems, making it a valuable tool for researchers in fields like cellular mechanics, biophysics, and soft matter physics. IMPETUX’s SENSOCELL system offers extensive capabilities for applications such as subcellular microrheology, cell-cell interaction studies, and the analysis of intracellular mechanical properties, integrating with various imaging techniques like epi-fluorescence and confocal microscopy.
Vision and Mission
IMPETUX is a supplier of optical tweezers instrumentation based on a worldwide patented technology and specially developed to decode, analyze and quantify forces and interactions in biology. Physical forces play a critical role in shaping biological processes at various scales, from molecules to entire tissues. These forces influence the behavior, function, and structure of cells and molecules, making them essential in several fields of cell and molecular biology. Understanding the impact of physical interactions is therefore key to advance in fields such as Mechanobiology, Molecular Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology and Cellular Engineering. Our vision is to revolutionize the research in these fields with a novel approach and empower the generation of knowledge that leads to the development of new diagnosis and treatment methods for a wide range of diseases.
Our core values guide us as we navigate challenges and define our approach to work and interact with our environment. These values are built on confidence, respect, humility, responsibility, and coherence in all our actions.
We place trust in our collaborators and our ability to overcome challenges. We uphold respect for individuals and the environment, take responsibility for our commitments, and ensure complete alignment between our words and actions, both as individuals and as an organization. Additionally, we are dedicated to innovation and fulfilling our customers’ needs with the utmost commitment.

Based in Barcelona: pool of creativity and talent

Adaptable systems to users’ needs.

Specialized in Mechanobiology and Biophysics

Sustained post-sale service as part of our commitment.
With the support of:

IMPETUX OPTICS S.L. ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2020. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Barcelona.
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