How mechanical properties of neurons regulate proprioception during C. elegans locomotion:


This 2021 starts with a new preprint available from the Neurophotonics & Mechanical Systems Biology group  at ICFO whose main research goal is to understand cell mechanical properties for health and disease on the molecular and systems level using Caenorhabditis (C.) elegans.

In this work entitled “Mechanical Stretch Inhibition Sensitizes Proprioceptors to Compressive Stresses”, the authors study how mechanical properties of neurons regulate proprioception during C. elegans locomotion.

In particular, they investigate the mechanics, molecules and neurons responsible for proprioception in C. elegans to gain insight into how mechanosensation shapes the orbital trajectory to a well-defined limit cycle.

For this research they used our SENSOCELL optical tweezers platform in combination with spinning-disk confocal microscopy to study neuron Ca2+ dynamics during axon membrane tether extrusion experiments.

You can have a look at the details of the results and conclusions here.

Enjoy the reading!

Congratulations to the authors !


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